Are you looking for a supportive, understanding, inclusive group?

Information & resources to help you understand yourself and others?

A chill accepting space to just be yourself?

We've got you!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I join the Huon Valley Alphabet Mafia?

Easy! Click this link to register and if you include contact details, Sarah will get in touch!

Or you can send an email.

How often do you meet?

We hang out weekly, plus an extra day fortnightly(weather and facilitator availability depending), during the school terms. 

During school holidays we may meet more often, on the weekends, or evenings.

Where do you meet?

For safety reasons, I don't publicise this on the web. You can email me, or register your interest if you'd like to come and hang out.

We are currently on the look out for a place we can set up permenantly. If you think you have a space that is suitable (enclosed, private, central, with space for a small library), let me know!

What age group is the Alphabet Mafia aimed at?

Our focus is queer youth, aged 12-18, but there are other community groups for adults in the Valley.

If you'd like to know more, message Sarah and she will link you in.

How can I support the Mafia?

Lots of ways!

Volunteer to co-facilitate



Giving talks/workshops

Contributing to our Alphabet Mafia Library though our Amazon wishlist.

Buying goodies from our Spreadshirt Store

Email Sarah with your suggestions or offers <3